
ClojureDart is a Clojure dialect for writing cross-platform native desktop and mobile apps. It allows Clojure devs to reach new client platforms thanks to Flutter. (Flutter is a performant cross-platform GUI library by Google.) By the end of the workshop you will know ClojureDart, Flutter ecosystem and be autonomous to write apps.

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Your instructors

Archetypal chauvinistic wine-sipping Frenchman, I almost quit programming 7 years ago but Clojure rekindled my flame. Now I am back, coding for fun and profit, growing ClojureDart and Tensegritics.

Baptiste Dupuch
Baptiste Dupuch
Co-founder at Tensegritics and ClojureDart maintainer

Clojurist of The Early Months (2008), contributor, co-author of the Clojure Programming book, trained hundreds, software consulting and mentoring, transducers keeper, data-structure and algorithm geek, datalog fan, father of four. Aspires to write a new language, a db and an editor. Codes in languages that don't even exist yet.

Christophe Grand
Christophe Grand
Co-founder at Tensegritics and ClojureDart maintainer

Workshop details

What will your learn?

ClojureDart is a Clojure dialect for writing cross-platform native desktop and mobile apps. It allows Clojure devs to reach new client platforms thanks to Flutter. (Flutter is a performant cross-platform GUI library by Google.) By the end of the workshop you will know ClojureDart, Flutter ecosystem and be autonomous to write apps.

Why ClojureDart

intos so interesting in Flutter and Dart to warrant a new Clojure?

Platforms comparison

Dart vs JS and JVM and how it shaped ClojureDart.

Project Setup

Setup, Project Layout, Lifecycle commands.

Dart standard library

Collections, maths, asynchronous programming.


Programming model, ecosystem, common widgets, ClojureDart helpers.


HTTP, Firebase, etc.


How to manage state in your application.


How to use Animation Objects in ClojureDart.

Ship it!

Getting your app into the stores!

What should you know?

This workshop assumes basic Clojure or ClojureScript experience. No prior client-side development experience required.

When does it take place?

22-Feb-2023 (Wed) at 12:00 UTC

Frequently asked questions

When does the workshop start?
We are working hard to bring you the best possible workshop. Sing up to get notified when we are ready for registration.
Can I get reimbursed?
We hope so! We've had students in the past ask their boss or HR department and get reimbursement for the ClojureStream Courses and we believe the same thing can work here. More and more organizations are encouraging their teams to contribute by learning.
What is the refund policy?
If you are no longer able to participate in the workshop or feel it's not a fit, you can withdraw your enrollment in exchange for a full refund provided you make your request no later than one 14 days before workshop start. No withdrawals or refunds are possible after this date. No deferrals or transfers are possible at any time. If we won't be able to deliver the workshop after purchase we'll do a full refund to all participants.
Is special software or technology required?
The workshop works best if you have a keyboard, so we recommend laptops instead of mobile devices. You will also have to install Zoom, a free to install tool that's used in the workshop.